Be careful what you say

Well, I promptly forgot about my commitment to write down my daily learnings! I was sick yesterday so my brain wasn't quite working. There was an all employee meeting, and I used the rollout of an unpopular policy as a way to advertise tue need for KM. Unknowingly, this was perceived as appearing disorganized and going against another team in my organization. I think the problem was in the way I said it. I wonder if it was the wrong thing to do, or if the problem is with the person who is upset. On the up side, it did spawn some conversations about KM again, although I'm not confident it will go anywhere. At this point, it feels futile, and I'm not sure I want to continue on this path. For one thing, the career potential isn't high, as it isn't highly valued and doesn't pay all that well.

I was also appalled at how a leader in KM reacted to another in the community about AI. There is so much infighting that it's disgusting. That leader completely lost my respect. This is something worth contemplating how I communicate to others in my passion areas.


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